Alhamdulillah. Here we are, reaching the 22nd night of Ramadhan this year. May all of us are blessed with Allah's mercy in this world and in the thereafter. InsyaAllah.
Despite our calm and peaceful surroundings, let us remind ourselves not to forget the needy and the circumstances that are happening around us. The most recent ones are the MH17 tragedy and the atrocities of Israel against our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Yes, we may not be directly connected to the perished passengers of MH17 nor the poor Palestinians over there but things can certainly be changed overnight. Or even in a blink of our eyes...
Some of us even took some "initiative" to poke fun at these untoward events. Where is our heart? Where do we put our empathy? Don't we have better things to do than this? Some had even resorted to the blame game. Are you for real, guys? Not every little thing in this world is about politic and race. Think about it again.
For my Muslims brothers out there, come and together we recite Al fatihah to our fellow muslims and muslimah who perished in these two tragic circumstances. To my non Muslim acquintances, be strong and sensitive towards the tragedies. I ain't no angel, but to play my part as a responsible human and Muslim by not offending the affected parties, in any way possible, is rather my greatest aim indeed.
Tragedies and bad news do happen in our life. Just don't be part of those foolish acts who seem to have no other stuff to do than mocking around with their tasteless and funny-less "damn jokes".
Wassallam and wish you all a great life ahead.
Sincerest point of view from your not so friendly neighbourhood,
Mufarz 2014